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List of Universities in Germany

·      List of Universities in Germany 

o    RWTH Business School
     RWTH Aachen UniversityMasterOnline
o    RWTH International Academy
     RWTH Aachen UniversityMasterCourses

·         Aalen
o    Diploma University of Applied SciencesOnlineBachelorMasterLawMBAHealthcare

·         Aschaffenburg
o    University of Applied Sciences AschaffenburgBachelor

·         Bad Honnef
o    IUBH FernstudiumMasterLawHealthcareOnlin
o    IUBH OnlineOnline
o    IUBH University of Applied SciencesMasterMBABachelo

·         Bad Schussenried
o    Humboldt-Institut e.V.C
·         Bad Sooden-Allendorf
o    Diploma University of Applied SciencesOnlineBachelorMasterLawMBAHealthcare

·         Baden-Baden
o    Furtwangen University/HFU Business SchoolMasterMBABachelor
o    hwtk University of Applied SciencesBachelorMaster
o    Kellogg-WHU Executive MBA ProgramMBA

·         Bayreuth
o    University of BayreuthMasterCoursesHealthcare

·         Bergisch Gladbach
o    bib International CollegeBachelor

·         Berlin
o    Akkon Hochschule der HumanwissenschaftenBachelorHealthcare
o    Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences BerlinMaster
o    AMD Akademie Mode & DesignMasterCoursesBachelor
o    Anda SprachschuleMasterCourses
o    Arden courses at GISMAMasterBachelorHealthcare
o    Bard College BerlinBachelorCourses
o    Berlin International - University of Applied SciencesBachelorMaster
o    Berlin School Of Business & InnovationMasterMBABachelorHealthcare
o    Berlin School of Economics & LawMasterMBA
o    Berlin Summer University of the ArtsCourses
o    Centre international de formation européenne (CIFE)MasterOnline
o    Charité – University of Medicine BerlinHealthcare
o    Code University of Applied Sciences BerlinBachelor
o    dBs Music BerlinCoursesBachelor
o    DEKRA Hochschule für MedienBachelor
o    Design Akademie BerlinMasterBachelor
o    Diploma University of Applied SciencesOnlineBachelorMasterLawMBAHealthcare
o    DIW Graduate CenterPhD
o    EBC Hochschule - University of Applied SciencesMasterBachelor
o    EF Gap YearCourses
o    EIT Digital Master SchoolMaster
o    EMOTIONMaster
o    English Training LoungeCourses
o    Entrepreneur Lab by CIEECourses
o    ESCP Europe Business SchoolMasterBachelorCoursesHealthcareMBA
o    ESMT BerlinMasterMBA
o    GISMAMasterMBACourses
o    GISMA ULawMaster
o    Hertie SchoolMaster
o    HMKWMaster
o    hwtk University of Applied SciencesBachelorMaster
o    HTW Berlin University Of Applied SciencesMasterMBA
o    Humboldt-Institut e.V.Courses
o    Humboldt-Universität zu BerlinMaster
o    Humboldt-Viadrina School Of GovernanceMaster
o    IES AbroadCoursesHealthcare
o    Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD) - The Center for Cultural Diplomacy StudiesMaster
o    International Media Innovation ManagementMaster
o    International Psychoanalytic University BerlinMasterBachelor
o    IUBH University of Applied SciencesMasterMBABachelor
o    Macromedia University of Applied SciencesMasterBachelor
o    Media Design SchoolBachelorMasterCourses
o    Mentora SprachschuleCourses
o    MetFilm School BerlinMasterBachelor
o    PFH Private University of Applied SciencesMasterBachelor
o    Photoacademy & Living Faces BerlinCourses
o    Psychologische Hochschule BerlinMasterBachelor
o    Renewables Academy AG (RENAC)MBACourses
o    SAE Institute BerlinBachelor
o    SRH Hochschule BerlinMasterMBABachelor
o    SRH Hochschule der populären Künste (hdpk)BachelorMaster
o    Steinbeis University Berlin Institute Corporate Responsibility ManagementMasterMBA
o    Steinbeis University Berlin - Institute of Executive CapabilitiesMasterCourses
o    Technische Universität Berlin, Chair of Space TechnologyMaster
o    The Language Gallery in GermanyCourses
o    The TEFL AcademyMasterCoursesOnline
o    Touro College BerlinBachelorMBA
o    TU Berlin Campus El GounaMaster
o    TU-Campus EUREFMasterMBA
o    University of Applied Sciences EuropeMasterBachelorMBA
o    Shanghai University of Finance and Economics with ECSA GlobalMasterCourses

·         Biberach
o    Hochschule Biberach University Of Applied ScienceMasterMBABachelorHealthcare

·         Bielefeld
o    bib International CollegeBachelor
o    Master Economics: Erasmus Mundus Master QEM - Models and Methods of Quantitative EconomicsMaster

·         Bochum
o    Diploma University of Applied SciencesOnlineBachelorMasterLawMBAHealthcare

·         Bonn
o    University of BonnMaster

·         Bremen
o    European Flight AcademyCourses
o    International Graduate Center - Hochschule BremenMasterMBA
o    Jacobs UniversityMaster
o    Jacobs University Foundation YearCourses

·         Calw
o    SRH Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Medien CalwBachelorMaster

·         Coburg
o    Coburg University (Bavaria)MBA

·         Cologne
o    Carl Remigius Medical SchoolHealthcare
o    Cologne University of Applied SciencesMaster
o    exMediaCourses
o    HMKWMaster
o    Institute For Technology And Resources Management in the Tropics and SubtropicsMaster
o    Macromedia University of Applied SciencesMasterBachelor

·         Darmstadt
o    Darmstadt University of Applied SciencesMBA
o    EIT RawMaterials Academy - AMIRMaster
o    EIT RawMaterials Academy - AMISMaster
o    EIT RawMaterials Academy - SINReMMaster
o    EIT RawMaterials Academy EMeraldMaster
o    EIT RawMaterials EMCMaster

·         Deggendorf
o    Deggendorf Institute of TechnologyMasterBachelorHealthcare

·         Dortmund
o    University of Applied Management in ErdingMaster

·         Düsseldorf
o    AMD Akademie Mode & DesignMasterCoursesBachelor
o    EBC Hochschule - University of Applied SciencesMasterBachelor
o    Media Design SchoolBachelorMasterCourses

·         Erfurt
o    Willy Brandt School of Public Policy at the University of ErfurtMaster

·         Esslingen
o    Esslingen University of Applied SciencesMasterMBA

·         Flensburg
o    University of Southern DenmarkMasterBachelorHealthcare

·         Frankfurt an der Oder
o    European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (ODER) - Faculty of LawLaw
o    European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (ODER) - Faculty of Law DeactivatedLaw

·         Frankfurt
o    Carl Remigius Medical SchoolHealthcare
o    Frankfurt School of Finance & ManagementMasterCoursesMBALawBachelorOnline
o    Goethe Dental School, Goethe University FrankfurtMasterHealthcare
o    HMKWMaster
o    Institute for Law and FinanceMasterLaw
o    Max Planck Institute for Brain ResearchPhD
o    Morgan InternationalCoursesOnline
o    University of Applied Sciences WormsMasterBachelor

·         Freiberg
o    EIT RawMaterials Academy - AMISMaster
o    EIT RawMaterials Academy - SINReMMaster
o    EIT RawMaterials Academy EMeraldMaster
o    EIT RawMaterials EMCMaster

·         Freiburg
o    Cambridge International Business CollegeBachelor
o    IES AbroadCoursesHealthcare
o    STI ISW Business School FreiburgBachelor
o    University of Education FreiburgMaster

·         Friedrichshafen
o    Diploma University of Applied SciencesOnlineBachelorMasterLawMBAHealthcare
o    Zeppelin UniversityMasterBachelor

·         Gengenbach
o    Offenburg UniversityMasterMBA

·         Gera
o    SRH Hochschule für Gesundheit GeraBachelorHealthcare

·         Germany Online
o    AKAD UniversityMasterBachelorOnline
o    Apollon HochschuleBachelorHealthcareOnline
o    City Colleges - Online LearningCoursesHealthcareOnline
o    Diploma University of Applied SciencesOnlineBachelorMasterLawMBAHealthcare
o    Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Asia OnlineMaster
o    Hotelfernschule Poppe+NeumannOnline
o    OnCampusMasterOnline
o    Staatlich Anerkannte Physiotherapie Schule OrtenauBachelorHealthcare

·         Germersheim
o    Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU)Ma
·         Giessen
o    Justus-Liebig-Universität GießenCoursesLawHealthcare

·         Grafing
o    esocaet Studies by CADFEMCoursesMasterHealthcare

·         Göttingen
o    Faculty of Law - University of GöttingenLaw
o    PFH Private University of Applied SciencesMasterBachelor
o    University of GöttingenMaster

·         Hamburg
o    AMD Akademie Mode & DesignMasterCoursesBachelor
o    Brand Academy – University of Applied SciencesMaster
o    Bucerius Law SchoolMasterLaw
o    Carl Remigius Medical SchoolHealthcare
o    Diploma University of Applied SciencesOnlineBachelorMasterLawMBAHealthcare
o    EBC Hochschule - University of Applied SciencesMasterBachelor
o    GISMA KingstonMaster
o    Hamburg University of TechnologyMaster
o    Kühne Logistics University - KLUMasterBachelorCourses
o    NBS Northern Business SchoolBachelorMaster
o    NIT Northern Institute of Technology ManagementMasterMBA
o    University of Hamburg in cooperation with Europa-Kolleg HamburgMasterLaw
o    University of Applied Sciences EuropeMasterBachelorMBA
o    University of Hamburg - School of Integrated Earth and Climate System Sciences (SICSS)Master
o    University of Hamburg, Institute of Law & EconomicsMasterLaw
o    University of Hamburg, School of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural SciencesMaster
o    University of Strathclyde: Faculty of EngineeringMasterHealthcare

·         Hamm
o    SRH Hochschule für Logistik und Wirtschaft HammBachelorMasterOnline

·         Hanover
o    bib International CollegeBachelor
o    Diploma University of Applied SciencesOnlineBachelorMasterLawMBAHealthcare
o    GISMAMasterMBACourses
o    GISMA KingstonMaster
o    The Language Gallery in GermanyCourses

·         Heidelberg
o    European Molecular Biology LaboratoryPhD
o    Schiller International University - Florida, Heidelberg, Madrid, ParisMasterMBABachelorOnline
o    SRH University HeidelbergMasterLawHealthcare

·         Heidenheim
o    Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State UniversityCourses

·         Heilbronn
o    Diploma University of Applied SciencesOnlineBachelorMasterLawMBAHealthcare
o    Heilbronn UniversityMaster
o    TUM School of Management HeilbronnMasterBachelor

·         Herrenberg
o    Steinbeis School Of International Business And Entrepreneurship (SIBE)MBALawOnline

·         Idstein
o    Carl Remigius Medical SchoolHealthcare

·         Ingolstadt
o    WFI - Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, 
     Ingolstadt School of ManagementMasterMBA

·         Iserlohn
o    University of Applied Sciences EuropeMasterBachelorMBA

·         Isny im Allgäu
o    nta IsnyBachelorHealthcare

·         Jena
o    The Abbe School of PhotonicsMaster

·         Kaiserslautern
o    Diploma University of Applied SciencesOnlineBachelorMasterLawMBAHealthcare
o    Hochschule Kaiserslautern - University Of Applied SciencesMasterBachelor
o    University of KaiserslauternMasterHealthcareOnline

·         Karlsruhe
o    Carl Benz School of EngineeringMasterBachelor
o    Hector Fellow AcademyMasterPhD
o    HECTOR School of Engineering and ManagementMaster
o    Karlshochschule International UniversityMasterBachelor

·         Kassel
o    Diploma University of Applied SciencesOnlineBachelorMasterLawMBAHealthcare
o    Fraunhofer AcademyMasterOnline

·         Kempten
o    Professional School of Business & TechnologyMBA

·         Kitzscher
o    Diploma University of Applied SciencesOnlineBachelorMasterLawMBAHealthcare
o    HHL Leipzig Graduate School of ManagementMasterMBA
o    University of LilleMaster

·         Kleve
o    Rhine-Waal University of Applied SciencesBachelorLaw

·         Koblenz
o    University of Koblenz-LandauMaster

·         Konstanz
o    Humboldt-Institut e.V.Cours
·         Landau
o    University of Koblenz-LandauMaster

·         Leipzig
o    Leipzig School of MediaMaster

·         Lindenberg im Allgäu
o    Humboldt-Institut e.V.Cour
·         Lippstadt
o    Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied SciencesBachelor

·         Ludwigsburg
o    University Of Applied Sciences LudwigsburgMaster
o    Institute of Animation, Visual Effects and Digital Postproduction at the Filmakademie Baden-WuerttembergCourses

·         Ludwigshafen
o    University of Applied Sciences Ludwigshafen am RheinMBA

·         Lübeck
o    IAS CollegeMasterCoursesHealthcare

·         Lüneburg
o    Leuphana University of LuneburgMasterBachelorMBALaw

·         Magdeburg
o    Diploma University of Applied SciencesOnlineBachelorMasterLawMBAHealthcare
o    Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied SciencesMasterBachelor

·         Mainz
o    Diploma University of Applied SciencesOnlineBachelorMasterLawMBAHealthcare
o    Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU)Master
o    Mainz University Of Applied SciencesBachelor

·         Mannheim
o    Diploma University of Applied SciencesOnlineBachelorMasterLawMBAHealthcare

·         Marburg
o    Philipps University Marburg, Faculty of Business Administration and EconomicsMaster

·         Mitte
o    Saarland UniversityMaster

·         Munich
o    ABC Business AcademyCourses
o    Access MastersMaster
o    AlinguasCourses
o    AMD Akademie Mode & DesignMasterCoursesBachelor
o    Carl Remigius Medical SchoolHealthcare
o    Diploma University of Applied SciencesOnlineBachelorMasterLawMBAHealthcare
o    EF Gap YearCourses
o    Fraunhofer AcademyMasterOnline
o    Graduate School of Biosciences MunichMasterPhD
o    Henley Business school GermanyMBA
o    University of Applied Languages of the SDI MunichMasterBachelor
o    International School of ManagementMasterMBA
o    IUBH University of Applied SciencesMasterMBABachelor
o    Ludwig-Maximilians-University MunichMaster
o    Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Munich School of ManagementMaster
o    Macromedia University of Applied SciencesMasterBachelor
o    Mamaself+Master
o    Media Design SchoolBachelorMasterCourses
o    Munich Business SchoolMasterPhDMBABachelor
o    Munich Intellectual Property Law Center MIPLCLaw
o    New European CollegeMasterMBABachelor
o    Pueblo EspañolCourses
o    Siebel Institute of TechnologyMasterCoursesOnline
o    Sprachschule AktivMasterCourses
o    TUM (Technische Universität München) Business SchoolMaster
o    TUM School of Management Executive ProgramsMBA
o    TUM School of Management HeilbronnMasterBachelor
o    University of Strathclyde Business SchoolMasterMBA

·         Möckern
o    Friedensau Adventist UniversityMasterCourses

·         Münster
o    Hermannsen ConceptCourses
o    International Medical CollegeMasterHealthcare
o    University of Münster, Institute for GeoinformaticsMaster

·         Neuruppin
o    Medizinische Hochschule BrandenburgHealthcareMasterBachelor

·         Neuss
o    Neuss University for International BusinessMasterBachelor

·         Nuremberg
o    Diploma University of Applied SciencesOnlineBachelorMasterLawMBAHealthcare
o    Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg FAUMasterCoursesHealthcare
o    ICN Business SchoolMasterBachelor

·         Oestrich-Winkel
o    EBS UniversitätMasterMBALawBachelor

·         Offenburg
o    Offenburg UniversityMasterMBA

·         Oldenburg
o    European Master in Renewable Energy and European Master in Sustainable Energy System ManagementMaster
o    University of OldenburgMaster
o    University Oldenburg. C3L – Center for Lifelong LearningOnline

·         Ostfildern
o    Diploma University of Applied SciencesOnlineBachelorMasterLawMBAHealthcare

·         Paderborn
o    bib International CollegeBachelor
o    Fachhochschule der Wirtschaft FHDWMasterMBA

·         Passau
o    University of PassauMasterLaw

·         Pfarrkirchen
o    Deggendorf Institute of TechnologyMasterBachelorHealthcare

·         Pforzheim
o    Pforzheim UniversityMasterMBA

·         Regenstauf
o    Diploma University of Applied SciencesOnlineBachelorMasterLawMBAHealthcare

·         Reutlingen
o    International Partnership of Business Schools - Master International ManagementMaster

·         Rheinbach
o    Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-SiegMasterMBABachelorHealthcare

·         Riedlingen
o    SRH FernHochschule RiedlingenMasterHealthcareOnline

·         Saarbrücken
o    Advanced Materials Science and EngineeringMaster
o    Europa-InstitutLaw
o    Saarland UniversityMaster

·         Sankt Augustin
o    Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-SiegMasterMBABachelorHealthcare

·         Schwerin
o    Hochschule Stralsund – University of Applied SciencesMasterBachelor

·         Schwäbisch Gmünd
o    University Of Design Schwäbisch GmündBachelor

·         Sigmaringen
o    Albstadt-Sigmaringen UniversityMasterBachelor

·         Stade
o    PFH Private University of Applied SciencesMasterBachelor

·         Stendal
o    Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied SciencesMasterBachelor

·         Stolberg (Rhineland)
o    EIT RawMaterials Academy - AMISMaster
o    EIT RawMaterials Academy - SINReMMaster
o    EIT RawMaterials Academy EMeraldMaster
o    EIT RawMaterials EMCMaster

·         Strasburg
o    University of BolognaMasterBachelorHealthcare

·         Stuttgart
o    Hochschule der Medien - University of Applied SciencesBachelor
o    HFT StuttgartMaster
o    Université de LorraineMasterCourses

·         Tübingen
o    University Of TuebingenMaster
o    University Of Tuebingen Faculty Of MedicineMasterHealthcare

·         Vallendar
o    WHU – Otto Beisheim School of ManagementMasterMBA

·         Velbert
o    Haus der TechnikMaster

·         Villingen-Schwenningen
o    Furtwangen University/HFU Business SchoolMasterMBABachelor

·         Weimar
o    Bauhaus-Universität WeimarMasterCourses
o    Summer School at Bauhaus University WeimarCourses

·         Wiesbaden
o    Diploma University of Applied SciencesOnlineBachelorMasterLawMBAHealthcare

·         Wildau
o    Wildau Institute of TechnologyMasterMBA

·         Wismar
o    Wismar University of Applied SciencesBachelor

·         Witten
o    Witten/Herdecke University (UW/H)Mas
·         Wuppertal
o    Diploma University of Applied SciencesOnlineBachelorMasterLawMBAHealthcare

·         Würzburg
o    University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-SchweinfurtBachelorMasterMBA

·         Zittau
o    University of Applied Sciences Zittau/GoerlitzMasterMBA


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